The Instrumental Music Solo Show is an annual concert held at the middle school featuring soloists from symphony and pianists from all grades. The show featured 15 soloists at Saperstein Theater from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 12.
The Instrumental Solo Show initially started back in 2020 during the Covid-19 lockdown to give students a chance to showcase their skills, despite being isolated at home. HW’s very first rendition of this concert was a video performance that was shared with the entire school community. It ended up being a huge success, and so the tradition has continued annually since then.
Performing arts teacher Neli Nikolaeva loves seeing these soloists grow while performing.
“I would have to say that my favorite part is seeing the growth that happens from the time they audition to the time they perform,” Nikolaeva said. “We have a dress rehearsal where they perform for each other and seeing how that inspires them to reach for the next level is just beautiful.”
Every performance in the concert beautifully displayed the hard work that each soloist put in. The students’ enthusiasm and passion for their respective instruments was evident throughout their playing. As the soloists stood up to take their final bow together, they erupted in smiles, knowing that their performance truly impressed each and every person sitting in that audience.
“I feel excited to perform in this concert. It is a way that I can share my music to Harvard Westlake students, and spread the message that the composer wanted me to,” piano soloist Isaac Fujikawa ‘29 said.