As a closing event to the Harvard-Westlake (HW) school year, two of the dance classes, Introduction to Contemporary Dance and Dance Production, held showcases in the dance studio. Introduction to Contemporary Dance, a course that requires little experience, is a full year elective. The class was given a whole semester to put together their dances. The dancers who performed in the other show, members of Dance Production (DP), were only given eight classes to create their showcase.
“Although the process of choreographing our small groups was a lot faster than in Game Over, we still faced many challenges. It was bittersweet, especially for the 9th graders, during our last performance. Some of us have been dancing in this studio and with each other for the past three years, so it was really sentimental performing at the middle school for the last time. We have all learned and grown so much through this past year, and I’m so grateful to have had this amazing opportunity,” said Eloise Dupee ‘22 from Dance Production.
The intro class is taught by Melissa Schade, and Dance Production is taught by Joe Schenck.
“The process of choreographing our small group performances was such an amazing learning experience. Coming into the dance class, I didn’t really know anyone or know how to dance. Now, I have met so many incredible people, and learned so much. Performing our dances truly helped me build my confidence, and let me become a part of such a loving, talented community. I am so grateful for everything from this dance class,” said Jordan Dees ‘24 from Intro to Dance.
To open up the show, the DP dancers, who were dressed in black, danced to choreography by Schenck to the song “No Roots” by Alice Merton. After that, the DP show consisted of various styles of dance, from an upbeat Beyonce compilation to a dialogue addressing bullying at school. The students were put into groups of threes or fours based on similar styles of dance and talents. DP dancers finished the show with “Heaven Can Wait” by Labrinth, Sia, Diplo.