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Volume 31



Steve Chae / Spectrum 

STAFF EDITORIAL Should I Stay or Should I Go: Attending school sick does not help

Juliet Suess | December 2, 2016

Cough, sniffle, sneeze. It is impossible to avoid the presence of a virus spreading through the Middle School. Every fall, students return to piles of homework and a stuffy nose. However, this year there...

Eugean Choi '21 / Spectrum

Political Pressure: Where students get their political beliefs

Juliet Suess | December 2, 2016

By Jessa Glassman '20 With the upcoming election, opinions are everywhere. This happens especially in an academic environment where we investigate and discuss topics from different points of view. Often...

The Cell Phone Policy: One year later, is it helping or hindering?

The Cell Phone Policy: One year later, is it helping or hindering?

Juliet Suess | December 2, 2016

By Anusha Mathur '20 and Alex Daum '20   The middle school cell phone policy has been continued for the 2016-2017 school year. The policy prohibits phone use from first through eighth period. The...

Donald Trump spars during debate. Credit: Joanna Im '20 / Spectrum 

POLITICS Left/Right/Center: The heavyweight debate

Juliet Suess | December 2, 2016

By David Arkow '20, Jessa Glassman '20 and Amelie Zilber '20 The 2016 Presidential Debate at Hofstra University between main party candidates, Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton, took place on Monday, September...

The Third Wheel: Give third-party candidates a chance

Juliet Suess | December 2, 2016

By Jeanine Kim '20 Joanna Im '20 / Spectrum Where They Stand          MINIMUM WAGE       Jill Stein: Raising the minimum wage to a living wage. Gary Johnson: The government should eliminate all...

Point Counterpoint: Sports over Retreat

Juliet Suess | December 1, 2016

With retreat looming on the horizon, we will be discussing the two sides of an issue that greatly impacts our community: the topic of sports teams missing retreat. This year, the varsity football and Varsity...

Girl’s tennis incorporates new players

Juliet Suess | December 1, 2016

By Samantha Morris 21' Left: Kimberly Tan '22 gets ready to hit a ball. Credit: Samantha Morris '21/Spectrum  Right: Players give high-fives after a point is scored. Credit: Samantha Morris '21/Spectrum  Wolverine...

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