5-ish weeks until Spring Break!! Woo!!
Good News Network : Mono, not monotone
Leo Saperstein ’23 is one tough cookie! After facing a tough bout of tonsillitis turned mononucleosis, the veteran Madrigal feared for his presence in Sunday’s Vocal Solo Show. Though unable (and unchosen) to debut his killer vocals in Friday’s teaser, he healed in time for the performance. Saperstein chose to sing, “Step” by Vampire Weekend, and undeniably killed it! He says, “I was so nervous that the undue pressure from my diaphragm would harm my tender spleen, and boy! The last time I checked, Vampire Weekend and my gentle innards never collaborated! Let’s hope they never do!”
A Studying Essential: Studying on your own is tough enough, but music, and especially Studio Ghibli lo-fi music, is calming enough to make that DBQ fun!
Secret Link of the Cycle!

Next issue up Friday, March 6