The seasons have changed and so has fashion and clothes across the Harvard Westlake (HW) community, sparking our interest in the changing outfits. From fall to winter, we have noticed how shorts and tank tops have turned to pants and winter coats. During the end of November we have seen a large change in the weather at the Harvard-Westlake Middle School campus. During the morning it is chilly, and once it hits the afternoon the sun comes out. This has been happened during the last week of November and it seems to be continuing. Students have started to add extra layers like long sleeves, jeans and puffy jackets.
An unusual day was Nov. 29 when HW was covered in rain. The rain continued to pour for the whole day, and on top of the new fashion trends in the winter, umbrellas were added into the mix.
Recently most girls have been adding long sleeves under their t-shirts and boys started wearing long pants. Many fuzzy coats have been seen across campus to add some warmth to one’s outfit. Because of the persistent rain, students have no choice but to dress in long pants, rain coats and warm jackets This year, the weather and Los Angeles seems to be experiencing colder winters than normal.Students spoke on how their style has changed through the seasons.
“Going into winter, I have been wearing warm clothes because it has been raining and kind of colder,” Julianna Ross ‘22 said.
Another student spoke on how his style has changed with the seasons shifting.
“It was tough. I had to put away all the t-shirts and start wearing sweatshirts and pants,” Michael Lapin ‘22 said.