Spectrum magazine launched Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook social media pages earlier this school year. Spectrum is trying to increase our platform and appeal to more people through easier access. It is not always easy to find time to grab a Spectrum and flip through it, therefore the social media accounts are a place to give quick and easy news and keep the Harvard Westlake community up to date on the latest campus news. The purpose of using social media is to bring a more accessible way for individuals to read spectrum and to learn about events and whats happening at Harvard Westlake.
Each account is run by a different group of students on the social media team. The Snapchat team consists of Maxine Zuriff ’22, Andrew Reiter ‘22, Aden Juda ‘22 and Will Sheehy ‘22. The Snapchat account focuses on posting videos and images of important or fun events that happen throughout the school day to keep the community updated with the happenings at HW. It also shows how the Spectrum staff interacts with one another in class, giving a different perspective from the issue itself.
The Instagram account is run by Sandra Koretz ‘22, Kate Hasset ’22 and Will Sheehy ’22. It’s the Spectrum staff’s first Instagram account and it‘s gaining popularity. Koretz has begun posting about our newest issue and other important upcoming events and dates.
The facebook account is run by Amelia Scharff ‘22, Quincey Dern ’22 and Ariana Azarbal ‘22 This is Spectrum’s first Facebook page. The account is actively posting about how Spectrum functions behind the scenes and what happens when writing articles. It also links to articles published only online as well as in print.
Follow us on Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook: @hwspectrum