By Mia Feizbakhsh ’22
Members of the school community donated food items and toys for this year’s annual Food and Toy drives. The Food Drive gathers nonperishable foods each year in the hopes that some of the 45,000 underprivileged people in Los Angeles will have food to eat. This year, the school was able to collect enough canned goods to fill up six bins.
The Toy Drive’s purpose is to collect gifts for children who are unable to have presents otherwise. The collected gifts go to a church where the children can hand-pick which toy they want the most, and the collected food goes to the West Side Food Bank. The school has held the Food Drive and the Toy Drive for the past 10 or more years and these drives are a reminder that not everyone has access to food and toys.
“My favorite part about the giving back to the community is that the whole experience becomes really personal, like, ‘what am I getting for the holidays?’” Director of Student Affairs Keith Jordan said.