California looks to the future for 2024, signing legislation to increase public safety, affordable housing, sustainable living, and changes to UC school admissions. Wolverines should keep an eye out for changes in their community coming in 2024.
“California is more than just a state of dreamers, we’re a state of doers,” Governor Gavin Newsome said in a recent press release. “Thanks to the Legislature’s strong partnership in 2023, the state is leading by example to create opportunity, and advance and protect the rights of all Californians.”
An upcoming change that may alter many Californian’s high school and college careers is the expansion of the transfer system. According to a recent press release, UCLA will be the first of many UC schools to prioritize the admission of students who earn an associate’s degree for transfer (ADT) from selected community colleges. Students who meet the requirements and are denied admission to the applicable campus will be offered admission to at least one other campus. Both UC and CSU schools will participate in the ADT program. As such any student who participates in ADT is guaranteed a place with the participating schools, however, which campus and program will vary. The addition of UC schools to the ADT program will streamline the transfer process from community colleges. For participating students, this will result in a lot of saved money as one can earn two degrees in four years. The transfer route to earn a place in college will continue to grow due to UC schools joining the system. However, this may increase competition for students applying to UC schools as they will now have to compete with the growing number of transfer students.
“The UC school system is already super competitive because a lot of people are working hard to get into UC schools that already prioritize out-of-state applicants,” Sophie Lee ’27 said.
Students have expressed similar worries about the new competition, some feel like they have hit “rock bottom”. However, the opportunities for those considering the community college route have increased exponentially.
A potential focus on the mental health crisis may also be on the horizon. The Governor has signed legislation to improve healthcare access for all Californians. These resources will be for all, from the homeless to children. Mobile pharmacies will also be implemented to provide life-saving treatment for those who struggle with substance abuse. Thus aid can be expanded to all communities in need. More reforms will be on the March ballot to increase funding for outpatient treatment and housing.
As voting season for the new year comes around California will be working to increase voter access. Voting is essential to America and the democratic process. While the majority of students may not yet be able to vote, the opportunity is fast approaching.
“Every vote counts,” Haley Romano ’27 said.
California already has some of the strongest voting laws in the nation as it aims to create a system more accessible to all. This year voters with disabilities may vote outside any polling place, known as curbside voting, which promotes accessibility. Additionally, those who require assistance to fill out the ballot will no longer be required to swear under oath before doing so.
New Year, New Laws
Keep an eye out for changes in California
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